face book

美 [feɪs bʊk]英 [feɪs bʊk]
  • 网络脸书
face bookface book
  1. To connect to my Face book site , copy and paste the following URL ;


  2. In contrast Facebook won a trademark case days later against a Chinese company using the brand name " face book , " in a sign that official attitudes could be softening towards the world 's largest social network .


  3. Chinese people won 't be able to quench their thirst with a refreshing " face book " beverage , after the U.S. social networking company won a rare trademark victory against a local firm in China .


  4. Profile pics , status updates & more are " pulled " in safely and securely from Face book , making it easy for new and existing users to sign up and stay logged into your community .


  5. The Beijing Municipal High People 's Court said the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks application , filed in 2011 , to label certain foods and beverages " face book " was an obvious act of copying and harmed fair market competition .


  6. According to a lawyer involved in the case , the Beijing High Court ruled that the Zhongshan Pearl River Drinks Factory , based in southern Guangdong province , should not have been allowed to register the " face book " trademark in 2014 .


  7. Facebook has won a Chinese trademark case against a company that registered the brand name " face book , " in a sign that Beijing attitudes are softening towards the world 's largest social networking site , which is blocked to China 's 700m internet users .


  8. That 's called " face " book , who is that


  9. When Face ­ book introduced support for identity sharing via OpenID in2009 , hundreds of millions of people suddenly had OpenID credentials .


  10. Her face was an open book .


  11. Your face is an open book .


  12. Regardless of fees charged by the university , all students face high and rising book bills .


  13. Binding and layout of a book actually is the design of the package of a book in deed , that is , to model the " body " and " face " of a book .
